Product technical support is provided for the various AASHTOWare products for licensed software users through phone, email or webpage. This information can be found on each of the product pages, under the support link or click one of the following links to get to the product’s support page.
- Name is required
- E-Mail Address is required
- Invalid E-Mail Address
- Captcha is required
What forms of payment are accepted?
AASHTO accepts checks, money orders, cashier’s checks, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and wire transfers.
How do I know if my organization is an AASHTO member?
AASHTO members are the highway and transportation departments in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. A list of AASHTO members and Associate Members is provided on the AASHTO Meetings & Member Services page.
What are the goals of the Cooperative Computer Software Development (AASHTOWare) program?
The primary goal of the program is to provide a mechanism for AASHTO member departments to pool their resources on a voluntary basis to produce mutually acceptable computer software products that are generally not available, and to:
- Provide an opportunity for substantial cost savings compared to individual development
- Allow the development of complex and innovative software products that meet the specific unique needs of departments of transportation
- Produce standardized software products
- Optimize scarce and skilled resources
- Incorporate best practices
- Ensure products receive necessary functional and technology upgrades throughout the software lifecycle
- Support program management and oversight by agency (DOT) personnel
- Provide AASHTO staff project management and administrative assistance
What is the AASHTOWare Program and how is it supported?
The AASHTOWare program is technical service administered by AASHTO that provides software solutions developed by transportation professionals for transportation professionals. The AASHTOWare Program is “self-supporting”, and managed as a not-for-profit enterprise.
How is AASHTOWare funding secured?
Program funding is secured through voluntary participation in cooperative software development, maintenance and support activities. New software development activities are funded through the collection of project participation fees. On-going software product support, maintenance and enhancement activities are funded through the collection of annual license fees.
What percentage of the funds collected through project participation and license fees are used to cover the cost of contracted software service providers?
On average, between 80 to 90 percent of project participation and license fees are used to support software development and fund the services provided by contracted service providers.
What percentage of the funds collected through service unit fees is directly allocated to the service provider?
In the specific case of product service units, between 85 and 90 percent of the service unit fee is directly allocated to the software service provider. The remainder helps offset internal administrative costs.
What activities and/or costs are categorized as administrative expenses?
Internal administrative costs associated with managing the program are included in the activities funded through project participation, annual licensing fees, and product service units for agency-directed work. Administrative expenses include:
- AASHTO administration and overhead
- Staff salaries, benefits, and overhead
- Contracted project manager
- Proportional share of the Special Committee on Joint Development (SCOJD), T&AA, and indirect costs
- Legal services
- Technical and Applications Architecture (T&AA) Task Force
- Provides technical resource(s) for SCOJD and product task forces
- Develops and maintains software standards
- Performs software Quality Assurance (QA) reviews
- Program Development Pool (5% of Revenues)
- Governed and controlled by the AASHTOWare oversight committee
- Covers risks associated with software development
- Provides seed money for new projects
- Funds expenses associated with third-party testing
- Supports product branding / marketing initiatives
How can an agency gain access to support and training services from the AASHTO product contractor?
Agencies can gain convenient access to services provided by the AASHTOWare contractor via Service Units.
What is a Service Unit?
A Service Unit is an increment of work that an agency can acquire for a specified fixed-fee. These increments of work, or ‘Service Units,’ support contractor-provided service for agency specific functional enhancements, consultation, training, support, and application hosting services.
What is AASHTO’s role in the acquisition and use of Service Units?
AASHTO serves as facilitator by accepting the commitment for contractor-provided services, invoicing and receiving payment from the agency and forwarding the order to the contractor for the appropriate number of service units.
What is the cost of an AASHTOWare Service Unit?
AASHTOWare Service Units are product and contractor specific and are established by the managing AASHTOWare Product Task Force. Service Unit fees are documented in the annual AASHTOWare Catalog. Additional service unit information on the individual product can be found at the following links:
What happens to service units that are purchased and not used during a particular fiscal year?
Service units remaining at the conclusion of a fiscal year are carried forward into the next fiscal year.
What types of activities can be performed using Service Units?
Service Unit work by the contractor may include the following types of activities:
- Adding new agency-specific features to the system
- Developing custom reports
- Providing specialized training in the use of AASHTOWare products
- Updating prior releases of product databases
- Supporting common software enhancements unfunded through product licensing fees that will become part of the code base and will be supported by Maintenance, Support and Enhancement (MSE) costs
- Incorporating analytical or specification engines into AASHTOWare products
- Funding software development projects/solicitation
- Providing hosted services for specific product licenses
Can agencies spread the costs of participating in a project across two or more fiscal years?
Yes, AASHTO will work with agencies interested in participating in a project to develop a mutually acceptable payment plan.