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The Special Committee on AASHTOWare (SCOA) was established by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) to oversee the development, maintenance, implementation, and strategic direction of AASHTOWare, a suite of software products designed to assist transportation agencies in managing core business operations. The committee is responsible for ensuring that AASHTOWare products are of high quality, meet the needs of transportation agencies, and are consistent with AASHTO standards and guidelines. The committee also serves as a forum for communication and collaboration among AASHTO member agencies, software vendors, and other stakeholders involved in the development and use of AASHTOWare products.


Devin Townsend – Nebraska Department of Transportation – Chair

Carrie Lavallee– Massachusetts Department of Transportation- Vice Chair

Margaret Pridmore– Idaho Transportation Department

Lance Simmons– Texas Department of Transportation

Mark Dunn– Iowa Department of Transportation

Tamuna Cullison– Montana Department of Transportation

Gary Zayas– New Jersey Department of Transportation

Todd Bergland – Minnesota Department of Transportation

Glendora Fortune – Florida Department of Transportation

AASHTO Support:

Keith Platte – Director of AASHTOWare

Angel Williams – Senior Business Operations Manager

Benefits of joining SCOA:

  • Influence the growth and direction of the AASHTOWare program.
  • Expand your network with other member departments and benefit from their experience.
  • Gain insight into the status of the AASHTOWare product.

How to Apply:

AASHTOWare recruits new members when an existing member’s term expires or a member is unable to finish his or her term. If you are interested in applying or if you have questions, please contact:

Keith Platte, Director of AASHTOWare | 202-624-3697