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AASHTO recognizes the value and importance of having active user communities for each AASHTOWare product. User Groups typically meet once a year, and members are appointed by their agency and individually represent their agency’s interest in the product. User Groups provide advice and recommendations on the product’s effectiveness, deficiencies, and any needed enhancements. Recommendations from User Groups are submitted to the appropriate product Task Force.

AASHTOWare Project

Project Users Group (PUG)

The AASHTOWare Project User Group is an organization providing support for the development of the AASHTOWare Project Software.

PUG Objectives:

  • To provide a forum for a unified voice to direct the course of AASHTOWare Projects, hereinafter called the products, or any products which may supersede these products.
  • To provide cooperative technical support of the products.
  • Provide input to the Product Management Task Force on product effectiveness, product deficiencies, and needed product enhancements.
  • Define product training and support needs.
  • Prioritize maintenance, enhancements, and support needs.
  • Submit recommendations to the Product Management Task Force.

For more information about our user group, please visit:

2024 AASHTOWare Project User Group (PUG) Conference

AASHTOWare Bridge

Rating and Design Bridge User Group (RADBUG)


The AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating Bridge User Group is an organization providing support for the development of the AASHTOWare Bridge Rating and Design Software.

The objectives of the RADBUG, a nonprofit organization, are:

  1. To provide a forum for a unified voice to direct the course of AASHTOWare Bridge Design-Rating (product);
  2. To provide cooperative technical support of the product;
  3. To encourage acceptance of the product as a national bridge load rating and design system; and
  4. To hold an annual meeting for the purpose of promoting the product through training sessions and presentation forums on product use, development and enhancement directions, and topics related to the product.

Rating and Design Bridge User Group (RADBUG) Meeting

Seven (7) sessions have been designed to group presentation topics into individual webinars such that RADBUG participants can register for the session(s) they are interested in attending.  Registration is required for each individual session.

The comprehensive agenda includes presentations on the status and future of the AASHTOWare Bridge Design-Rating products, current and planned functionality enhancements, end user presentations on using BrDR on specific projects within the DOTs, FHWA bridge program initiatives, BrDR training, automated permitting using BrR, and technical overviews of recent enhancements. Professional Development Hours are available for attendees via a downloadable PDH tracking form.

2024 AASHTOWare Rating and Design Bridge User Group (RADBUG) Annual Meeting

Bridge Management User Group (BrMUG)


The Bridge Management User Group (BrMUG) is a nationwide organization of AASHTOWare Bridge Management software users, comprised primarily of bridge management professionals from the departments of transportation across the country.

The objectives of the BrMUG, a nonprofit organization, are:

  1. To provide a forum for a unified voice to direct the course of AASHTOWare Bridge Management (product);
  2. To provide cooperative technical support of the product;
  3. To encourage acceptance of the product as a national bridge management system; and
  4. To hold an annual meeting for the purpose of promoting the product through training sessions and presentation forums on product use, development and enhancement directions, and topics related to the product.

The BrMUG provides an avenue for bridge management professionals to collaborate on bridge management practices, to better understand FHWA reporting requirements, and to conduct and receive training on the use of BrM within their agencies.

Bridge Management User Group (BrMUG) Meeting

Six (6) sessions have been designed to group presentation topics into individual webinars such that BrMUG participants can register for the session(s) they are interested in attending.  Registration is required for each individual session.

The comprehensive agenda includes presentations on the status and future of AASHTOWare Bridge Management, current and planned functionality enhancements, end user presentations on using BrM within the DOTs, FHWA bridge program initiatives, and technical overviews of recent enhancements. Professional Development Hours are available for attendees via a downloadable PDH tracking form.

2024 AASHTOWare Bridge Management User Group (BrMUG) Annual Meeting

AASHTOWare Pavement

The AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design User Group is a user organization maintained by AASHTO to provide support for the development of the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design software.

The objectives of the PMEDUG are:

  1. To provide a forum for a unified voice to direct the course of AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design (product);
  2. To provide cooperative technical support of the product;
  3. To encourage acceptance of the product as a International Pavement Design system; and
  4. To hold an annual meeting for the purpose of promoting the product through training sessions and presentation forums on product use, development and enhancement directions, and topics related to the product.

AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design User Group Meeting.

Registration is required to attend the meeting. The comprehensive agenda includes presentations on the status and future of the AASHTOWare Pavement ME products, current and planned functionality enhancements, end user presentations on using Pavement ME on specific projects within the DOTs, FHWA Pavement program initiatives, Design training and design challenges, automated climate modeling using Pavement ME, and technical overviews of recent enhancements. Professional Development Hours are available for attendees via the PDH form within the final agenda.

AASHTOWare Safety

The AASHTOWare Safety powered by Numetric Strategic Advisory Committee provides broadoversight and direction of the software. The committee is seeking individuals interested in volunteering to serve on this vital committee.

AASHTOWare Safety User Experience Committee Meeting