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The AASHTOWare Safety powered by Numetric Strategic Advisory Committee provides broad oversight and direction of the software. Committee members use their knowledge of the Highway Safety Manual, information technology, software development, and project management to give strategic direction to the product.


Don Butler  – Nebraska Department of Transportation – Chair

Kelly Campbell  – Idaho Transportation Department – Vice-Chair

Nate Drews  – Minnesota Department of Transportation

Jeff Lewis  – Utah Department of Transportation

Marsha Mays  – West Virginia Department of Transportation

Samuel Harris  – Georgia Department of Transportation

AASHTO Support:

Ryan Fragapane  – Product Director

Benefits of joining:

  • Influence the continuing growth, direction, and improvement of the AASHTOWare product suite.
  • Acquire valuable contacts with other member departments and benefit from their experience.
  • Gain insight into the status of the AASHTOWare Safety powered by Numetric product.

How to apply:

Are you interested in joining the AASHTOWare Safety powered by Numetric Strategic Advisory Committee? Contact Ryan Fragapane, Product Director, at