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The AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design Task Force provides broad oversight and direction for the support, maintenance, and enhancement of the software. Task force members are selected from agencies licensing AASHTOWare Pavement, and each agency may have only one representative on the task force at a time. Selected candidates will be eligible to serve up to two three-year terms. A list of individuals not selected for the current vacancies will be maintained for future consideration.


Hari Nair, P.E., Ph.D.  – Virginia Department of Transportation, Chair

Ian Rish, P.E.  – Georgia Department of Transportation, Vice-Chair

Robert Steudler – Maryland Department of Transportation

Kumar Dave, P.E. – Indiana Department of Transportation

Dulce Feldman, P.E., Ph.D. – California Department of Transportation

Jason Simmons, P.E. – Utah Department of Transportation

Nusrat Morshed, P.E. – New Jersey Department of Transportation

AASHTO Support:

Ryan Fragapane – Product Director

Ben Sade – Associate Product Manager

Benefits of joining:

  • Influence the continuing growth, direction, and improvement of the AASHTOWare product suite.
  • Acquire valuable contacts with other member departments and benefit from their experience.
  • Gain insight into the status of the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design product.

How to apply:

Are you interested in joining the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design Task Force? Reach out to Ryan Fragapane at or Ben Sade at