FY23 Webinar Series

September 12, 2022

Webinar #1: Data Management in PMED v3.0 – Tenants, Libraries, and Workspaces

The first FY 2023 webinar was held on August 16, 2022, and is now available on the PMED website. This webinar focused on PMED v3.0 data and user management using tenants, workspaces, and libraries to effectively manage agency data in the web application.

Webinar #2: Integration of NCHRP 1-51 product in PMED Version 3.0 and the Recalibration of the Rigid Pavement Models

The second FY 2023 webinar will be held from 11a – 1p Eastern on Tuesday, September 13,2022

This webinar will provide users with an overview of the rigid pavement distress prediction model updates after the integration of the NCHRP 1-51 – Incorporating Slab/Underlying Layer Interaction into the Concrete Pavement Analysis Procedures into PMED v3.0. The major points of discussion include 1) model differences compared to PMED v2.6, 2) additional inputs, and 3) predicted distress comparisons. After the integration of the revised rigid pavement distress and performance prediction models, a global recalibration was performed to minimize the bias between the measured and predicted distresses. The MERRA-2 hourly climate data was used for the global calibration sections. The updated model coefficients, measured versus predicted plots, and goodness of fit statistics will be presented.

The learning outcomes will allow attendees to:

  1. Identify the changes to the Rigid Pavement distress prediction models after integrating the NCHRP 1-51 results.
  2. List the new inputs required for the JPCP cracking model and where they are located in the PMED v3.0 User Interface
  3. List the updated global calibration factors for the rigid pavement distress prediction  models.
  4. Evaluate the goodness of fit statistics and revised standard deviation of the residual error relationships for each distress model

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Webinars #3 and #4 will be delivered in the winter and spring of this fiscal year. The dates and topics have yet to be decided, so if you have a topic you would like to be addressed, please contact the HELP desk and let us know. We encourage you to send in your topics of interest for future FY2023 webinars. All suggestions are reviewed by the PMED task force.