BrDR Analysis TAG

March 20, 2023

An Analysis Technical Advisory Group (TAG) has recently been formed to assist with evaluating Jira issues related to the application and interpretation of the AASHTO bridge specifications within the BrDR software. The goal of this TAG is to form a consensus on specification interpretation or advance the issue to the relevant AASHTO Technical Committee for clarification.

The Analysis TAG is led by Vinacs Vinayagamoorthy of Caltrans and is composed of twelve representatives from various licensing states and consultants along with Task Force members and ProMiles staff. The TAG held its kick-off meeting in January, 2023 and evaluated six Jira issues related to the interpretation of the AASHTO LRFD and MBE specifications and user requested changes.

This TAG will continue to meet regularly to further enhance the analytical flexibility and usability of the BrDR software. We appreciate the time and input offered by the following TAG members!

Analysis TAG member Organization
Vinacs Vinayagamoorthy, P.E.,  Analysis TAG – Chair, Task Force Member California Department of Transportation
Mike Johnson, P.E., Analysis TAG – Vice-Chair, Task Force Member Idaho Transportation Department
ABM Abdullah, P.E. Virginia Department of Transportation
Joseph Albert, P.E. New York State Department of Transportation
Elizabeth Befikadu, P.E. AI Engineers
Mengisteab Debessay, Ph.D., P.E. New York State Department of Transportation
Dana Feng, Ph.D., P.E. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
Yihong Gao, P.E. Minnesota Department of Transportation
Sean Hankins, P.E. Indiana Department of Transportation
Jennifer Hart, P.E. Indiana Department of Transportation
Igor Chernioglo, P.E. California Department of Transportation
Jonathan Mallard, P.E. Virginia Department of Transportation
Spencer Koehler, P.E., S.E. Illinois Department of Transportation
Ralph DeStefano, P.E. ProMiles
Subhadeep Ghosh, P.E. ProMiles
Krisha Kennelly, P.E. ProMiles
Herman Lee, P.E. ProMiles
Geoff Trees ProMiles