Alliance Partner News – ForneyVault

February 27, 2024

Construction materials testing — and the data it generates — is the lifeblood of a successful construction project, as long as that data goes where it needs to go. The AASHTOWare Project + ForneyVault interface breaks down silos, helping Agencies better meet design, quality and compliance expectations. Here’s how.

A construction project is comprised of many moving parts. As an agency, you have to manage data as it flows between builders, suppliers, engineers, materials testers and other contracted parties. How do you keep track of it all and ensure success?

More and more agencies are looking for technologies to streamline workflows and give time back to project personnel. However, this technology is only impactful if it’s connected. A closed system that doesn’t enable integration with other tools limits efficiency and productivity potential, while introducing the chance for errors as data is manually transferred from one platform to another.

This is exactly why AASHTOWare Project and ForneyVault came together to develop an interface for agencies. Testing is a critical component of the construction workflow that informs every step. ForneyVault automates this testing, enhancing transparency, accuracy and productivity. With the AASHTOWare Project interface, these benefits connect to the rest of the project in 3 important ways:

#1. Generate Accurate Test Results

ForneyVault eliminates manual data entry, removing the chance for human error at key steps of the testing process. Data automatically flows from AASHTOWare Project to the testing machine. Then, results automatically flow back into AASHTOWare Project.

#2. Meet Design Criteria Expectations

Testing data is highly accurate, secure and unalterable. This better informs how materials meet design expectations and specifications. In AASHTOWare Project, easily compare expectations with outcomes to ensure the project can move forward. =

#3. Prioritize Important Alerts

The data stream is full of noise, increasing the risk that important alerts are missed. With the AASHTOWare Project + ForneyVault interface, critical alerts are prioritized so you are proactively informed of non-compliance as it occurs and can remediate problems before they escalate.

This interface has already benefited Agencies across the country. Tim Krason, PCC Materials & Tests Manager at Nebraska DOT, said: “It has sped it up to where we think it has cut our time in half.”

Learn more and find out how to set up the interface here.