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​​​Ordering and licensing procedures for both member and non-member agencies are described below. Current AASHTO Member Departments are listed in our catalog. Additional information is available from Angel Williams, AASHTOWare Senior Business Operations Manager: 202.624.5808, or Justin Holmes Business Operations Coordinator at

Member Agencies

Orders for AASHTOWare products are transmitted through our annual solicitation and commitment process. To receive the software products or projects your department wants to license or participate in during the current fiscal and license year, please complete and submit the Member Agency – AASHTOWare Products and Services Request Form and the Primary Designee Form​.

Upon receipt, we will prepare Supplemental License Agreements and invoices; all previously executed Master License Agreements remain in place.

If your member department or agency has not yet executed a Master Software License Agreement with AASHTO, and you wish to participate in any of the current projects/ products, please contact the AASHTOWare Senior Business Operations Manager at or Justin Holmes Business Operations Coordinator at

Non-Member Agencies

Non-member licensees of AASHTOWare products should submit orders through the annual AASHTO software solicitation and commitment process. Participating in the solicitation allows you to choose the AASHTOWare products your firm plans to license during the current fiscal year period.

AASHTOWare Store can be used to place online orders. Utilization of the store will help ensure timely and efficient processing of orders and shipment of software. The store also provide the ability to check the status of an order.

To begin, please click the Sign-In option on top menu to register. The registration process is straightforward and user-friendly. Once you have registered, you will receive an account verification e-mail from the AASHTOWare Store that you can then use to login to the store and place your order.

If you do not wish to use the online ordering option, please complete and submit the Non-Member Software Request Form and the Non-Member Primary Designee Form provided in the following link: Non-Member Agency – AASHTOWare Products and Services Request Form and the Primary Designee Form​​.

If your organization has not yet executed a Master Software License Agreement with AASHTO, and you wish to license any of the current product(s), simply complete and return the Non-Member Software Request Form and Primary Designee forms. A Master License Agreement and the current fiscal year Supplemental License Agreement with an invoice will be sent to you for execution. Upon receipt of the fully executed agreement(s) and payment, the software will be provided.