Letter from the Chair, Todd Thompson

August 20, 2021

Greetings from the AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force. We continue to live during very dynamic times. Many of us have been back to the office since last summer and some of us are still working from home. Some have even adopted a hybrid approach of working in the office and working from home. Throughout this all, our contractors and users continue to deliver high quality work – whether it is updated software, bridge designs or bridge load ratings.

AASHTOWare released Bridge Management™ 6.4 in January 2021 and Bridge Management 6.5 in June 2021. Those releases introduced many new updates and bug fixes to the software. For additional details on these releases, see the Letter from the AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force Vice-Chair.

AASHTOWare also released Bridge Design and Rating™ 7.0 in January 2021. This release marked the conclusion of the multi-year project, with a short hiatus for the change in contractor. Many states have adopted this new version and are taking advantage of the new features and processing speed increases. Some states are taking a ‘wait and see’ approach and will adopt the modernized system following the release of Version 7.1.

So, what is in version 7.0? The new version significantly upgraded the core technology to a modern software architecture that takes advantage of new and existing hardware as well as the latest software technology.  With the modernized AASHTO analytical engine, there are significant improvements on the analysis runtime performance for all structure types and the modern software architecture allows for future performance enhancements. Modifications to the User Interface also provide an enhanced user experience. In addition to those improvements, this release provides the following capabilities and features:

  • AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications updates (9th Edition);
  • AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation updates (3rd Edition with 2020 Interim Revisions);
  • Load Rating Tool enhancements: LFR analysis of floor systems, multi-cell box beams, and culverts; and
  • Ability to specify vehicle and traffic lane placement settings for live load analysis of floor beams and floor trusses.

Scheduled for delivery in August 2021, Bridge Design and Rating 7.1 is currently in Beta testing. Some of the many new features delivered in 7.1 include:

  • Analysis Results Comparison Tool
  • BrM Web Services Integration
  • 3D Analysis for Superstructures with hinges
  • Schedule based RC I-beam with Post Tensioning (Caltrans and Mississippi)
  • Multiple smaller enhancements for Multi-cell Box Culverts (Caltrans)
  • Enhanced Load Rating Tool Permit Analysis Settings
  • Bug Fixes and maintenance issues

Bridge Design and Rating 7.2 is currently in the design phase and development will start soon. Some of the new features that will be included are:

  • PS Design Tool – Phase 2
  • Steel Girder Design Tool
  • IFC Data Exchange
  • Addition of MCB and Multi-Girder LRFR – Load Rating Tool
  • Addition of Slab Systems LFR & LRFR – Load Rating Tool
  • Bug Fixes and maintenance issues

As a reminder, AASHTOWare will continue to support Bridge Design and Rating 6.8.4 until June 30, 2022. Only critical bug fixes will be incorporated into 6.8.4 during this time. Start making plans to migrate from the legacy version to the current software. Please contact ProMiles for assistance in any migration questions.

Mark Bucci led an effort to clean up, clarify, and document the current process for handling BrDR bugs, issues, and maintenance items. The newly refined process will be posted on the aashtowarebridge.org website once the documentation has been completed. As a component of the refined process, the AASHTOWare Bridge Task force will establish a BrDR Backlog TAG for users to participate in the process of handling the many issues that arise each year. Mark will reach out to the user community to solicit seek volunteers to serve as Technical Advisory Group or TAG members.

Mike Johnson is leading the BrDR Culvert TAG effort to implement metal culverts into the product. Following Chapter 12 of the Bridge Design Manual and methodologies used by several states in spreadsheets, the Culvert TAG has had several meetings to move this effort forward. The TAG is making great progress and has only a few items that still need to be addressed before design can begin.

Vinacs Vinayagamoorthy is leading the BrDR Reports TAG effort to revise and enhance BrDR reporting and data output. This initiative will support a more consistent approach to BrDR reporting and better meet the needs of our users. The Reports TAG has had several meetings and have come up with some great ideas. The Task Force will work with ProMiles to take their recommendations forward for incorporation into future releases of the product.

I don’t want to close this out without thanking one last time the following states who contributed both funding and DOT staff to support the successful completion of the BrDR Modernization Project. Special thanks to Alabama, California, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The project would have never been successful without the funding and the volunteer time the states provided to review mockups, review design documents, and beta test the software.

Todd Thompson, PE

AASHTOWare Bridge Task Force Chair