AASHTOWare Bridge Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue

September 06, 2023

Member Departments and Associate Members wishing to use the AASHTOWare Bridge Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue can license this application through AASHTO. This is an add-on to the enterprise version of BrM. The mobile application enables agencies to conduct inspections via Android and Apple phone or tablet devices remotely. It works offline and online to allow inspectors to collect inspection information without an internet connection.

Finally, the Task Force would like to recognize Rhode Island DOT, South Carolina DOT, and Idaho Transportation Department for purchasing the AASHTOWare BrM Mobile Inspection powered by Mayvue with their FY2024 BrM license. Each agency is in various states of implementation and working with Mayvue to roll it out to their inspectors. We look forward to showcasing their experience in a future quarterly product update.