AASHTOWare Project Development through Volunteerism
November 29, 2022An overview of AASHTOWare Project volunteer groups and how to get involved
The growth and evolution of AASHTOWare Project all comes at the direction of dedicated volunteers. No matter your level of experience or availability, there’s a way for you to get involved with one of the many volunteer groups that keep AASHTOWare Project moving forward.
Volunteering comes with a host of benefits:
- Directly impact software enhancements via peer collaboration, feedback, and testing
- Influence the direction of the software you use on a daily basis
- Make connections with fellow volunteers and learn about different agency processes
- Build relationships for joint development efforts that target mutually beneficial enhancements
Of course, before you volunteer, it helps to understand what you’re getting yourself into – here’s an overview of the different volunteer groups and their roles and responsibilities with AASHTOWare Project.
The AASHTOWare Project Task Force (PTF)
The PTF guides AASHTOWare Project software development at the highest level. Charged with the strategic direction for the software, the PTF meets regularly to plan releases, select enhancements, determine budgets, and more. PTF volunteers serve three-year terms on a nine-member team. Learn more about the AASHTOWare Project Task Force here: https://www.aashtowareproject.org/ptf
The Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs)
TAGs advise the Project User Group (PUG) on how to enhance existing applications by focusing on specific modules. TAG members share best practices from their respective agencies to learn how to become more effective utilizing the software. TAGs conduct quarterly or monthly meetings along with an annual business meeting that takes place at the PUG conference. Each TAG consists of a Coordinator, Co-Coordinator, and members. Learn more about the TAGs here: https://www.aashtowareproject.org/tags
The Technical Review Teams (TRTs)
A Technical Review Team (TRT) oversees the development work on enhancements or new project development. TRT members are appointed by the AASHTOWare Project Task Force (PTF). The TRT serves as an additional advisory group to the PTF on the development of new software. Learn more about the TRTs here: https://www.aashtowareproject.org/trt
The Agile Enhancement Teams (AETs)
Beginning July 2022, AASHTOWare Project will be developed and maintained under a new development process called hybrid agile. It involves providing more active testing and feedback of new features throughout the development cycle, rather than at the conclusion. The AETs will help test these new features and enhancements. Learn more about the AETs here: https://www.aashtowareproject.org/aet
The End User Designees (EUDs)
The EUD plays an essential role for every AASHTOWare Project agency. They’re the single point of contact for communications and product related support from the contractor(s) and are the recipients of all software and related product materials. Learn more about the EUDs here: https://www.aashtowareproject.org/eud-responsibilities
Don’t have time to volunteer? Consider getting involved with the AASHTOWare Project forum! The forum is a great place to communicate with fellow users, brainstorm ideas, or troubleshoot issues. Access the forum here: https://forum.aashtowareproject.org/
As always, we thank our volunteers for their commitment to supporting, improving, and evolving AASHTOWare Project.
Janet Treadway, AASHTOWare Project Task Force Chair, Ohio Department of Transportation
Sarah Farmerie, Director of AASHTOWare Product Management, Infotech
Jim Ferguson, Associate Vice President of AASHTOWare Products, Infotech