PUG Chair Corner
August 29, 2022Greetings! I wanted to take a moment to tell you about an exciting opportunity for someone within the User Community to become a part of the Project User Group (PUG) Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors consists of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Past Chair.
Each year at the PUG conference a new Vice-Chair is elected, then the following occurs:
- The current years Vice-Chair moves up to the Chair for one year starting after the conference.
- The current years Chair moves to the Past-Chair position for one year.
The Secretary and Treasurer positions are also elected each year at the PUG Conference.
Please take a moment to review the PUG Board objectives and the governing documents found at https://www.aashtowareproject.org/pug. If you are interested in a position on the Board and would like more information, any member of the Board would love to talk to you!
On another note, the PUG Conference is right around the corner! The Update Conference Agenda has been posted on APO. We are excited about the content including the trainings and the various topics of discussion such as the Agile Transition. The link to the Conference website to register is located here.
Thank you!
Kathy Terrio, PUG Board of Directors, Chair
Montana Department of Transportation.