Three New Case Studies Available on AASHTOWare Project™ Website

August 29, 2022

Interested in learning more about AASHTOWare Project? Three new case studies are available on, covering a mix of AASHTOWare Project benefits, processes, and experiences. Visit, sign in, then navigate to Resources > Case Studies to see these new additions:

  • Nevada Department of Transportation Reduces Time & Travel with Mobile Field Tools
  • Joint Development Helps AASHTOWare Project™ Agencies Drive Enhancements Forward
  • At Caltrans, Collaboration Ensures Implementation Success

Read more below for a summary of each case study.

Nevada Department of Transportation Reduces Time & Travel with Mobile Field Tools

Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) wanted to streamline their electronic inspection process by eliminating key pain points: limited storage devices, laptops that weren’t conducive to inspections, and travel to and from the office. To accomplish this, the Department implemented Infotech Mobile Inspector®, a mobile app that’s compatible with AASHTOWare Project Construction & Materials.

The field team began conducting inspections on tablets or phones, making it much easier to capture data on the job site. Because Mobile Inspector automatically syncs with AASHTOWare Project, inspectors no longer need to return to the office to drop off the thumb drives that previously held daily reports. Currently, the Department completes 95% of their daily reports in Mobile Inspector.

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Joint Development Helps AASHTOWare Project™ Agencies Drive Enhancements Forward

This unique case study follows two agency experiences with joint development, the driving force behind much of AASHTOWare Project. Joint development occurs when agencies join together in cooperative efforts to develop, maintain, and enhance AASHTOWare Project software. Because it comes with a host of benefits and important considerations, we spoke with representatives from Nebraska Department of Transportation and Minnesota Department of Transportation to learn about their joint development experience.

Both agencies found that joint development allows DOTs to save on costs, have direct input into the software, and prioritize their needs during the development cycle. They also cover the importance of participating actively in groups like the TAGs to find the right development partners. In an advice section to other interested agencies, patience and flexibility are emphasized as key attributes one must have during the joint development process.

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At Caltrans, Collaboration Ensures Implementation Success

Most, if not all AASHTOWare Project agencies understand some of the challenges and hurdles that can come with the implementation process. To dive deeper into just what goes into a large-scale module implementation, we spoke to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) about their implementation of AASHTOWare Project Preconstruction, which replaced a 40+ year old legacy system. At the end of their implementation, Caltrans met their deadline and trained over 1200 people on the new module.

The case study covers everything from how Caltrans structured their implementation team to the difficulties encountered in running their legacy system parallel to AASHTOWare Project Preconstruction. In closing words of advice, Caltrans emphasizes the importance of having the right people on your team and communicating early and often with Infotech, the AASHTOWare Project contractor.

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Stay tuned for more AASHTOWare Project case studies throughout the rest of 2022 and into 2023! Coming soon, a case study with Alaska Department of Transportation that dives into their coordinated use of multiple AASHTOWare Project modules.