The Rating and Design Bridge Users Group (RADBUG) Annual Meeting is the premier event and largest gathering of AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating (BrDR) professionals. The meeting brings together bridge engineering professionals from around the country to share years of their BrDR experience and to explore the latest and upcoming new features and functionalities.
The AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating 7.5.0 Release distribution was completed on November 7th. The distribution was processed based on the information provided by the organization when the software was licensed.
Join our product expert Subhadeep Ghosh on December 5th as he discusses the highlights of the recently released AASHTOWare Bridge Design & Rating (BrDR) 7.5.0 release.
Work is now underway on the BrDR 7.6 release which is scheduled for the last quarter of 2024. The primary focus of the 7.6 release is to provide users with the latest updates to the AASHTO bridge specifications as soon as they become available. The 7.6 release will implement the 10th Edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and provide the 2023 interim updates to the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation.
The development of the Madero Analysis Engine included with the AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) software was funded by the USDA Forest Products Laboratory back in the 1990s. The engine was written in Fortran and provided to AASHTO in the form of a dynamic link library (.dll) file, without the source
Have you ever had issues finding help when using BrDR? Or how something is calculated by the software? Or how an input is used by the software? This article provides a summary of learning resources that provide answers to all these questions.
From time to time, it is desirable and beneficial for the BrDR Task Force to bring in additional expertise from the AASHTO user community for highly technical software or bridge engineering expert knowledge on a particular application or functional capability. The formation of a Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
2024 RADBUG Meeting – Save the Date!