The first two webinars in FY 2023 are planned for delivery within the first quarter. The first quarter is being planned for mid-August, and the topic is Part 2 – Tenants, Libraries, and Workspaces in PMED v3.0. The second webinar is planned for delivery in early September and the topic is on the integration of NCHRP product 1-51 in version 3.0 and the recalibration of the rigid pavement models.
Clark Morrison, P.E. North Carolina DOT, Chairperson
Hari Nair, P.E.
Virginia DOT, Co-Chairperson
Patrick Bierl, P.E.
Ohio DOT
Susanne Chan, Eng.
Ontario MOT, TAC Liaison
Kumar Dave, P.E.,
Indiana DOT
The Pavement ME Design team has delivered multiple demonstrations and workshops to different agencies in North America, as well as in other countries, over the past couple of years. If your agency is interested in hosting an in person or virtual demonstration in using the software for design, you are encouraged to contact Mr. Ryan Fragapane, or phone 202.624.3632.
Three major enhancements to the PMED software were completed in FY 2022, and all three are included in the new version 3.0.
The three enhancements are:
- Integrating the results from NCHRP 1-51 on the bonding and interaction between the PCC slab and base layer.
- The MERRA-2 climate interface was integrated into the PMED software. This interface makes getting the climate data much easier with a few clicks of the mouse for any grid point across the world.
- Updating the global calibration for PCC pavements (JPCP and CRCP). An updated global calibration factors for PCC pavements hasn’t been completed for some time. The recalibration efforts used the MERRA-2 climate data available through LTPP InfoPave.
The last international workshop was delivered virtually to engineers doing work in Guatemala near the end of the second quarter of FY 2022. The workshop was geared to example projects in Guatemala for both rigid and flexible pavements.
The fourth webinar, Introduction to Pavement ME Design Version 3.0, was delivered in Quarter 4 of FY 2022. Chadwick Becker delivered the webinar which covered the subscription and registration process for PMED v3.0 and the basics of using the application,
Service units are available for purchase through AASHTO for implementing and using the Pavement ME Design software package. Many state agencies have already purchased service units, and these agencies can contact AASHTO to redeem them for various implementation and training support activities. Service unit reports were recently sent to those agencies that have already purchased service units.
If you did not get your report, please contact the HELP Desk.
It’s here; the web application version 3.0, was released on July 1, 2022. Details on the subscription models and IT related data have been posted on the PMED website.
The AASHTOWare team would like to thank all members of the Technology Review Team (TRT) that provided valuable advice over the past years in guiding the development work.Chadwick Becker delivered the first webinar on, Part 1 – An Introduction to Version 3.0 earlier in June. Part 2 will be delivered in the first quarter of FY 2023.